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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Another camping adventure Gagnon Beach, New Brunswick

First of all...No I haven't fallen off the face of the earth...although my relatives who are regular readers of my blog were beginning to think I did....and I know how much all of you have been waiting so patiently for my pictures of Gagnon Beach....Finally, here they are...

This was our first camping trip with friends...We planned a weekend with friends from the past.  A family that we don't often get out with....but it was so nice to get together..and we met some new friends in the process...We originally met several years ago, my daughter and their son went to daycare together. These two were soul mates...inseparable....My daughter used to light up like a light bulb when their son was in the room....and it turns out they were born a day apart.  They're both older now, and of course boys like boy stuff, girls like girl they don't really have as much in common now, which is a shame really, cause they were such good friends....But that's the way it goes I guess...The parents had a great time, sitting around the campfire at night, listening to good ole' WD tell stories after having a few..

This is Blaine and Dixie the guard dog..She kept everyone safe at night..

What you talkin' bout Willis?(For those of you who have no idea what this is referencing.....Think baack..80's sitcom...Gary Coleman...Different Strokes..You'll have to google the rest)

 Sue and Christina

So, it was Halloween weekend in August at Gagnon Beach campground...The kids got to dress up and go trick or treating at 10 campers....My son son chose pooh Bear, which was a little shocking considering it was around 30 degrees Celsius that weekend...He was a little warm...

 My daughter opted for the kitty costume..She was even warmer...

Pooh Bear and Kitty Cat meet Transformers?

This is Cole(he is only a part time Transformer)  and my son.

So the name of the campground is Gagnon Beach...SO I imagined you figured out that there is a beach involved...A beautiful beach...Highly recommended..Lots of sun, water and sand...

Just chillin'......My son had a few too many.....

This is the crab the boys were holding captive nearby....They dug a hole in the sand and filled it with water and put the crab and some shells in it....I don't think I've ever seen one so big!

You lookin' at me?  

And as you may figure out...I like to take pictures of footprints in the sand....

So, this week, we are having the camper winterized and towing it to PEI to put it away for the winter....Next summer is still roughly nine months away, but I can't wait to start booking the camping sites....There are many more adventures to come...I can't wait!

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