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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A hot and happy July 1st. Happy Canada Day!

Just three months ago, we were complaining about the cold, and the amount of snow on the ground, so today I will NOT complain about the heat.  The mercury has hit 29 degrees Celsius, and with the humidex, it feels like 37 degrees. It's sunshine all around for the next few days with the temperatures expected to be in the thirties.  It would have been a glorious day for camping, but with Canada Day falling on  Tuesday this year, I couldn't get yesterday off for that extended long weekend.

So, Happy Canada Day to the most wonderful country in the world!  Let's celebrate!

On a side note, we crossed the Confederation Bridge  to Prince Edward Island this past weekend to do some camping, and we stopped on the way home to take some closeup pics of the Bridge.  I just had to share.

It is quite spectacular really.

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