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Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012: Welcome to the New Year! And 365 days through the lens of my camera

I wanted to set a resolution this year, but I didn't want to go the same route as in previous years.    Weight loss was always the main one, but within two weeks I was back to the same old routine........So this year, I'll do that one for myself, without the pressure of fearing that I might fail.  Instead, I decided, why not try something my cousin did in 2011?  A picture a day for 365.......Provides a bit of a challenge, by having to find something to photograph each day....It's a commitment, because I'll have to take the time each day to find the right picture, and then post it on here, and also write about it, but I think it'll be a good thing for me.
People are always telling me that I need to get a hobby, and find something outside of work and my family.  I spend the majority of my time with them, and I don't tend to do a lot for myself.  Perhaps this is exactly what I need?  Well I am about to find out, while creating a years worth of memories at the same time.  
In the meantime, for those of you who will be following my blog throughout the year.....May 2012 bring you all the things you are striving for.  All the best...

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