I work at a very early hour everyday. I get up at around 3:15, or 3:30....For some, that would be the ultimate when it comes to getting ready. If you are the typical woman, who likes to shower, get dressed, brush your teeth, apply make-up, blow dry your hair and then style, getting up that early means not having to fight with anyone to get into the bathroom. I have two kids, who I suppose aren't at that stage yet, when they will spend hours primping and making sure that every hair is in place......And my husband, has a shaved head, so that eliminates a lot of the extra time spent in the bathroom, because there is no blow drying or hair styling needed.(of course, he does spend hours on end in the bathroom for other reasons....That's a discussion for another day...All I'll say is, he keeps his Sports Illustrated magazines in our downstairs port o potty room :) ) So you would think there would be nothing getting in my way everyday.....But I should remind you that I do have one other member in my family...who often takes over the bathroom when she feels like it...

This is my crazy cat, Nova.....Anywhere she can curl up, is perfect...whether it is a warm bed, or a sink?.....She doesn't mind when I turn the water on...She sticks her head under and enjoys...
So, it poses as bit of a problem when brushing my teeth. She doesn't mind the water, but something tells me she wouldn't appreciate it if I spit Colgate Total all over her.
Sometimes I wonder which is worse.....Kids who have fogged up the mirror, so you can't see, or a cat who loves to curl up in the bathroom sink?
11 months old, and we still love her death....
It is nice to have someone around in the morning to talk to when I'm getting ready...even if she does get in the way a little bit sometimes.. :)
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